Tuesday, June 7, 2016

In the City of Dreams and The Chariot of Queen Zara (Secrets of the Droon)

A Comparative Review of Two Books in the 39 Clues Series:

Genre: Adventure, Mystery
Where to find these books: Winship School Library

Both books are about two kids, Amy and Dan Cahill, who compete against other parts of their family to find the 39 clues. The themes of both books are: 1) do not trust anyone, 2) take risks in life. The stories are set in France and Japan. The Cahills try to find the second clue on a train but the other part of the family tries to attack them. The Cahills jump off the train and they land near a museum.

Brendan recommends these books!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Truth About Stacey (Babysitters Club)

The Truth About Stacey (Babysitters Club)
by Ann Martin; illustrated by Raina Telgemeier

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Graphic Novels
Where to find this book: Winship School Library

What is the main idea?
It's about a group of girls called the Babysitters Club and another group of girls called the Babysitters Agency. They are against each other because they want to see which group of girls is better at babysitting. The Babysitters Agency doesn't really care about the kids, they just care about their money. But the Babysitters Club cares about the kids. The Babysitters Agency is taking away the Babysitters Club's job when they aren't even caring about the kids.

What did you like about this book?
I really like this book because it's a book that is really my type. It's kind of what is usually in real life.

Sarah recommends this book!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dream Jumper

Dream Jumper
by Greg Grunberg

Genre: Fantasy, Graphic Novels
Where to find this book: Rachael owns it.

What is the main idea?
There is a boy name Ben. Ben likes a girl and she fell into sleep. Ben wants to sleep so he can dream about a girl he likes. She was in Room Z. Room Z is not good. They really like each other. He blushes and it is really because he likes her. One room has a fairy tale world with animals who can turn into people, You can get out of that world and return to earth.

What did you like about this book?
I like the book because it is a fairy tale and it talks about two worlds. One world is evil and one world is peaceful. One world is earth and one is a fairy world.

Rachael recommends this book!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
by Jeff Kinney

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Humor
Where to find this book: Winship School Library

What is the main idea?
It is summer vacation. The weather is great and the kids are out in the sun and having fun. He is a boy that likes playing video games. He has two brothers.

What did you like about this book?
I liked the book because it was funny.

Melijah recommends this book!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Truth about Stacey (Babysitters Club)

The Truth about Stacey (Babysitters Club)
by Ann Martin; illustrated by Raina Telgemeier

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Graphic Novels
Where to find this book: Winship School Library

What is the main idea?
The main idea of this story is that there are these girls who babysit and are good at it. Then these girls come who can’t even babysit. The kids told the good babysitters everything that happened and how they didn’t care about the kids. They just wanted to watch TV and smoke with their boyfriends. One of the bad babysitters says to one of the girls she babysits for that she just wants the money.

What did you like about this book?
I did not like that the bad girls don't care about the kids they babysit. I do not like that because that is not nice and that is not the right thing. You don’t say to a kid, "I don’t care about you. I just want the money." The girls finally notice at the end what they are doing is wrong.

Lakeitha recommends this book!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011

I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011
by Lauren Tarshis

Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure
Where to find this book: Winship School Library

What is the main idea?
The main idea of this book is a boy named Ben is going to his dad’s homeland. He was happy at first but then his dad died. And going to his homeland is going to make him even “better." Now he has stayed there for 3 days and he was glad to leave but a tsunami strikes. What will he do now?

What did you like about this book?
I like this book because Ben tells about his life and when he is sad or mad. He tells about his deepest secrets. “He will dream every night about his dad.”

Kenneth recommends this book!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kristy's Great Idea: A Graphic Novel (The Babysitters Club)

Kristy's Great Idea: A Graphic Novel (The Babysitters Club)
by Ann M. Martin; illustrated by Raina Telgemeier

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Graphic Novels
Where to find this book: Boston Public Library

What is the main idea?
This book is about a girl. The girl's name is Kristy. Kristy had a great idea. Kristy told her friends about it. Her ideas were to create a babysitters club, so that her and her friends can babysit little kids. Her friends thought it was a great idea. So they planned the club. This is what this book is about.
What did you like about this book?
I liked that this was a comic book, because I love comic books. I also like how they were friends.
Keily recommends this book!