Tuesday, March 8, 2016

More Than Anything Else

More Than Anything Else
by Marie Bradby

Genre: Historical Fiction
Where to find this book: Boston Public Library

What is the main idea?
The main idea of this book is about a boy named Booker and he wants to learn how to read more than anything else. But he does not go to school at all and he works sunup to sundown. |He is only 9 years old. He works on a hill shoveling salt. One day he comes home from work with his brother and dad. He sees a man reading to people. He is standing on a kart and then he goes home and he says to his mom, "I want to learn how to read." His mom gives him a book. She does not know how to read. He looks for the man and the man teaches him how to read.

What did you like about this book?
I liked that Booker did not give up on how to read. I knew that he would end up reading because his name is Booker.

Nasiah recommends this book!

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