Saturday, January 23, 2016


by Roald Dahl

Genre: Humor
Where to find this book: Boston Public Library

What is the main idea?
This book is about this girl named Matilda that was very intelligent and loved to learn. Her parents and brother would rather watch TV. She wanted to go to school and she finally got to go. Her teacher was Miss Honey. Miss Honey is very kind and she believes in Matilda because she is intelligent. The Trunchbull is the headmistress of the school. She carries a stick making her look very scary to the kids. The scariest thing about her is that she throws kids out the window and when kids are bad she puts them in a closet called the chokey. She can put them in there for the whole day. The closet has nails sticking on the door and it’s very dark inside.

What did you like about this book?
I like this book because the weirdest thing in this book was that on page 144 The Trunchbull went into Miss Honey’s class and asked all the kids to put their hands straight in front of them because she wanted to see if their hands were clean on both sides of their hands. Then a boy named Nigel's hands were dirty and the Trunchbull said “ you are disgusting” and then she said “I don’t wish to see you anymore of you today! Go stand in the corner on one leg with your face to the wall!” Then she said “Don’t argue with me, boy or I’ll make you stand on your head.” Then she started to testing him on his spelling.

Natalie recommends this book for people that hates school because they have better schools than Matilda’s school!

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