Monday, January 25, 2016

Paper Towns

Paper Towns
by John Green

Genre: Realistic Fiction
Where to find this book: Boston Public Library

What is the main idea?
It's about a girl and a boy named Margo [girl] and Q [boy]. One day he was sleeping and she just climbed into his window to borrow his car to do 11 things for the night. Then he let her but he came with her. They did the 11 things, then she disappeared one night. He tried to look for her.

What did you like about this book?
In my opinion this book is awesome because it gets interesting and then more interesting. He tries to find her any place she likes. He likes her now and when he was small too. She leaves hints about where she is. He finds the clues, then he finds her. Then they start liking each other.

Andrea recommends this book!

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